Back after a LONG break!

I am back after a LONG absence from this blog!


Life has been very busy for me and my mom and dad and everyone.

A lot is going on in my dog-life.

My mom took a trip to the other side of the world for a couple of weeks and I missed her a lot. I missed our daily walks and her attention. Me and dad went to stay at grandma’s house. I stole stuff from the table and ran with it and pooped on the floor once while no one was looking.. I really acted crazy, because I was just so frustrated that mom was not there. But 3 weeks later she was back and I was forced to behave again…

After that we started packing all our stuff, because we moved into a bigger place. Mom was packing everything in boxes and it confused me because she started packing all my treats and bones and toys and I didn’t know why… it made me nervous.. And then we went to this empty house and I saw they were bringing in all the boxes and a few days later I saw mom unpack that box with my stuff and she opened it for me. I then realized this was our new house, my bed was here, my crate was here, and my food and water bowl and also my rawhides and toys and treats. I also have a yard now. I didn’t have a yard before, only a fenced in porch, so this is a lot better. Mom bought me some outside toys and I have been running around outside playing with them.

Of course I also grew a lot, I will be 11 months old tomorrow, 1 more month and I will be a year old! Time goes by so fast! I remember the day when mom brought me home. I was confused because I had to leave my brothers and sisters behind. But mom and dad were really nice to me. And now I love them a lot.

There’s something else I wanted to ask too, I am in a photo-contest. There are 3 prizes to win, for who comes in 1st, 2nd and 3rd. You can vote on facebook. I wanted to ask if you all want to vote for me!

Go to this link right here:

– click like on the picture  – 1like=1vote!

-the more votes I get the more chance I have of winning something!

I would really appreciate all of your votes!

Bark you later,

Barney x

Me a couple of weeks ago...

Me a couple of weeks ago…

swimming at the dog park

It’s been a while but that’s ’cause we have been very busy….. soon I will reveal to you what we have been up to… 

But not yet!

First an update about my life.

I have gotten quite big and I like seeing other dogs and after my fun time at the dog park with all the other corgis, my people-parents took me to another dog park to go play in the water! There is a lake and I didn’t really want to go in at first but after I saw the other dogs jump in there I went in too!


The cone of shame

The cone of shame

Me wearing the cone of shame, but I am doing pretty good. No pain. A big appetite and the incision is healing up very nicely! I got pain meds but only took them once. Mom & Dad got me a bone to gnaw on so I stay calm and chew my new bone, that made me happy!

Getting neutered!

Hi everyone!

I know it’s been a while, my mom and dad and me have been super busy these last couple of weeks so my mom didn’t really keep up with her blogging.. oops! Until today that is!

I got a little bigger again in the mean time. I am starting to get heavy mom says.

I have also started to become quite the adolescent.. I like peeing every 10 seconds, I didn’t used to do that before, but now whenever I smell “old pee” I have to pee on it… it’s MY route, I walk there… mom doesn’t like it very much because I also like to poop in the middle of the street and that is very uncomfortable for mom… She always carries a ton of poop bags with her though. She knows me already ;).

Oh and.. next Tuesday the big snip is happening.. I will be getting neutered. Mom wanted to wait as long as possible, because she heard rumors of growth hormones. Apparently if ‘the snip’ happens too early corgis can get joint problems later because of their long bodies. But I have gotten pretty big already, I will not grow that much anymore. And it’s impossible to go fun places anymore, like the dog park, or a walk on the street is stressful as well because my friends who used to play with me all the time during my walks smell that I am a testosterone raging teenager now and they sometimes growl, and that makes me sad. So it’s for the better. I want to be able to play again and not have to worry about other dogs not liking me.

I will be wearing an e-collar for a while “the cone”. Mom will surely humor all of you with a nice picture of that…

My mom has also started a new blog on, about natural living, a lot of dog stuff will be posted on there too so surely check it out. All the dog stuff will be posted here too, like this for example: She’s talked about this before but not as elaborated as in this post so check it out!

Bark you later

Barney x

Dog training disinfo..

Youtube is a wonderful place to find advice on dog training and how to deal with specific situations – but it is important that you always use your brain and filter out the bullshit…

I just watched a video from a “dog trainer” who teaches people to look a dog straight in the eye when it wants to attack you and wave your arms around like some crazy person..

If you want to get attacked then follow this advice – if you actually want to change a dog’s mind before it even attacks you and try to calm it down by using appropriate body language (which absolutely not includes challenging a dog by looking it straight in the eye) then read the book I referred to in a previous post which you can find right here:

My first Dog Park experience !

A while back I posted about dog parks and was trying to get more opinions..

Yesterday afternoon I went to one for the first time !
I had mixed feelings about the dog park. It can be a great way to socialize dogs and get them used to all kinds of different dogs. But after my human-mom’s sister in law’s accident there where she got bit by a dog when there was a dog fight I wasn’t so sure anymore.. however, there are 2 parts the “passive dogs” part and the “active dogs” part. And her accident happened on that active part, and a lady we met yesterday even told us to avoid that part of the park… Yesterday a bunch of big GSDs and other big dogs were playing on the active side and there was one little “dorgi” (the wienerdog/corgi mix) in the passive area. I telepathically let mom know to put me in the passive dog area, also because I am only 5 months old, I didn’t want to be completely traumatized after my first visit.  So I went in there and me and the little dorgi were playing very nicely and it was fun to watch for my mom. Then a young couple with a 7 month old border collie pup came in and she joined the game, I had a blast. I was a little impressed later by a bigger dog (but incredibly gentle) and promptly lay flat on my back to let the bigger dog inspect me, I just do that.. it’s in my nature, but once I see they’re harmless I am super playful and jump around like a crazy man! And then we continued to play together. Everyone was really responsible and their dogs were all nice. But then these 2 ladies walked in with 2 chihuahuas and they started snapping and chasing all the other dogs and cornering this other little dog, and these ladies are just sitting on a bench chatting and not even looking at their dogs. I noticed and steered clear of those 2. I can’t stand that though.. The one did go after me and snapped at me. Anyway, they left after a short while and we left as well. So I will be going back to the dog park but I will only go to the passive side, I have noticed people pay more attention to their dogs there and the dogs are more cautious and gentle. So my first dog park experience was a good one :D. I did try to herd this one tiny teacup chihuahua back into the “flock”. This tiny little chihuahua was all the way on the other side of the field while all the dogs were kind of gathered on the other side and I noticed it and suddenly I shot at it in a curve and chases it and kind of drove it back. I wasn’t trying to bite it or catch it, I stayed at least 4 feet behind it but there was no stopping me though! But mom called me back when things were getting a little wild, she said I had to calm down because I was scaring the little chihuahua. But I will definitely be going back to the dog park!

Today on my walk I also met 2 new dogs. I met another chihuahua but he was way more dominant so I wasn’t all wild like I was yesterday, I showed respect and lowered my head, even though I am way bigger and stronger, that’s just what you’re supposed to do with older dogs. I am still a kid after all. After that we also met a man with a little pomeranian, he was like me, a silly guy who likes to play so we were jumping and acting all wild in the middle of the street. His name is Sparky and I will definitely be seeing him again because he only lives 2 houses away from me!

Bark you later!

Barney xx

Dog’s Heroic Deed

Everything About Jared

It has been said over and over again that a dog is a man’s best friend. But aside of the unending loyalty of canines, they are also known for their protective instincts. For many years now, news about how a dog rescues and/or protects his/her human has been prevalent. Just a few days ago, news broke about how a persistent dog never left an abandoned baby girl until she’s safe and protected.

Roger Wilday was walking his German Shepherd, Jade, off leash through a park in Birmingham, England. It was cold, and the park was empty. Jade suddenly headed for the bushes and wouldn’t respond to her owner’s calls. She lay down next to a bag and wouldn’t move.

Jade the rescuer german shepherd

Wilday knew he had to investigate with his usually-obedient dog not coming when he called her. “She wouldn’t leave until I’d seen it,” Wilday said.
“I walked over and saw a…

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